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Elemental Analysis

Elemental impurities in various products are introduced from raw materials, manufacturing processes, manufacturing equipment or the environment. Many of the metals are highly toxic , even at extremely low levels, and pose a serious health risk. Therefore, it is important that laboratories have the the ability to meet the requirements of existing and potential new regulations. With this in mind, Twin Arbor Labs utilizes  highly sensitive ICP-MS methodologies to meet or exceed current regulatory requirements or the needs of its customers.


Whether you are exporting product for sale and need to meet international regulatory requirements or developing a new product and need to ensure it is safe, Twin Arbor Labs has the experience to help you with you elemental analysis needs.



USP 232 and 233 - Elemental Impurities

These two chapters defines and specify the daily limits of metals as well as the analytical procedure, sample preparation and instrument requirements for quantifying elemental impurities.

  • Arsenic (As)

  • Cadmium (Cd)

  • Lead (Pb)

  • Mercury (Hg)

  • Tin (Sn)

  • Copper (Cu)

  • Zinc (Zn)

  • Others

EPA Method 6020

This method describes analytical procedure using ICP-MS for determination of sub-microgram per liter (µg/L) concentrations of a large number of elements in water samples and in waste extracts or digests.

Method for Heavy Metals in Food, Beverages, and Dietary Supplements
(AOAC Method 2015.01)

Heavy metal contamination can occur from bio-accumulation of metals through the food web, leaching of metals from packaging or contaminated surfaces and ingredients.  Utilizing AOAC method 2015.01 we can analyze the "big 4 metals" (As, Cd, Hg, Pb, and more) typically to low PPB levels.

CAM-17 or Title 22 Metals

  • Ag

  • As

  • Ba

  • Be

  • Cd

  • Co

  • Cr

  • Cu

  • Hg

  • Mo 

  • Ni

  • Pb 

  • Sb

  • Se

  • Tl

  • V

  • Zn

FDA - Metals in Food

The FDA states "Metals – both beneficial and harmful – are in many foods. This is because our air, water and soil all contain metals (and elements that combine metals and nonmetals called metalloids). The levels found in food depend on many factors, including: growing conditions; industrial, manufacturing, and agricultural processes; the DNA of the food crops; and past or current environmental contamination. In addition, some metals the human body needs, such as iron, are intentionally added to certain foods, including breakfast cereals and infant formulas, to enhance their dietary benefits".


The FDA monitors levels of metals and other elements in food and food contact surfaces to inform and enforce FDA rules and guidance. However, only certain food groups have specific requirements such as infant cereals. 


Certain metals such as Arsenic, Lead, Mercury, and Lead should be regularly testing if contamination is of concern. 

Twin Arbor Labs

3474 Empresa Dr. Suite 140

San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

San Luis Obispo Food Safety Lab Testing

©2024 by Twin Arbor Labs
ISO 17025:2017
Accreditation # 99531

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Phone: 805.369.2123

California Food Safety Lab PJLA Accredited ISO 17025 ISO17025:2017
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